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Videos and images of the
Nativity scene of the Abyss
The preparation and the team
Pictures of the preparation of the statues of the nativity scene.
Thanks to all the people who collaborated in this first phase of the "Nativity of the Abyss"

Presepe degli Abissi_Bambin Gesu_particolare

Presepe degli Abissi_particolare

Progetto Posa Presepe

Presepe degli Abissi_Bambin Gesu_particolare
The installation is the definitive "home"
Ready now the Nativity scene is placed on the site chosen for the installation of the statues.
A dutiful thanks to those who have successfully completed the last phase of this journey

Presepe degli Abissi_Esposizione davanti chiesa

Presepe degli Abissi_San Giuseppe_modello preparatorio

Presepe degli Abissi_gli artefici

Presepe degli Abissi_Esposizione davanti chiesa
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